Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)

fiTTTfiAGO SUNDAY TRIBUXE: JULY 15, 1962 PAET 9- PAGE 36 Help Wanted Men Help Wanted-Men Salesmen Help Wanted-Men Salesmen Help Wanted-Men Salesmen Help Wanted-Men Salesmen salesmen Help Wonted-Men Salesmen Help Wonted-Men Salesmen Heln Wanted-Men Help Wanted-Men Salesmen f-icctrc mniPMFNT SUPPLY Help Wanted with Helene Curtis COMMERCIAL PHOTO REPS. ExperTpreterred. Comm. open. CREATIVE SALES AUTO SALESMEN Continued from preceding page) Experienced.

For fast growing west fuburbondealer. Universally know; moWcturer of desk-top cjlcu atlna Volume business Increases, HOW ABOUT YOU? McGRAW-HILL IS LOOKING for real hard workina len sions, "Si-Siint. ex- MOORE CONTRACT FURNITURE SB solesrnen to self Jew' SIm automohlles for of Ch cg- DO YOU NEED MONEY? For only 1-2 hours day delivery work you con corn os mucti cs $75 00 to S100.CO more Per week. This Is simply JeliveTrnB food to locutions nvestment. only $2,366.00.

against commissions. Earnings ot present men In excess, of, 510,000 Per year! Give full details- In llYl reply. Write MHD. 425. Tribune Indus.

Inc. CAREER SALES OPPORTUNITIES SWIMWEAR ORES jES SALESMAN SWIMWEAR ALIX OF MIAMI, INC. offers excellent opportunity for permanent connection to a top Sales Representative for Illinois and Indiana to sell our complete SALES TRAINEES AND SALESMEN World wide company is now expanding its sales force to meet the needs of our future developments in the cash register field. Business nc. salesman to call on hotels, of- SALESMAN to co-operate with a hard driving District Manager whose objective is your success.

Stanley, LU l-im hack Moore Business Forms, world's lost. AODlV "sTmONTzer, Exwlenced, Call SP 4-4900 stpnnv. kci. it, largest business forms, rnanuracrurer, hnc Ktnrtlna cnllt EOCttlonS In Chi- 141 S. Western I nis can rje aiiraciive iu youth Yflll Mon.

after 12. PACKAGING Experience SALESMAN tfeWd PLYMOltH-VALIANT 6446 S. CICERO COMPANY cogo. Successful oppllconts will be assigned to one of six Chicago district offices. A creative sales career A iMrfpr tn the Clubs, Hotels, Restaurant ine of Swimwear and Beacn LIKE selling small units and closing orders on the spot cosmetic field with Industrial division.

We are seeking Ensembes as we as a line of WJtn Moore inuuaes: exceiienr srawin experience. DUPLICATING. SUPPLIES AND SYSTEMS AUTO. SALESMEN tNew end Used Cars) Vo'e. dealership needs neoUssreSj tmlnlna with F-Ppnt Initial resses on ITSni Petite and Half Size Dre assignment 1 AUDITORS ASSISTANT Large midwest hotel.

st be to In hotel accounting, must be owe close books ood prepare month! state- nnrknae ond OrOdlKt in qa- where price is nui a ma' for factor. LIKE selllna a highly divers! an exclusive basis with a draw POSITION ditlon to helping in proaucr Development. Ideally, this man will Generous salary for trainees: salary and commission for salesmen. Age 23-29. Sellina or accounting against commission, We ore on International mfr.

In business over 60 years, and one of the found out sales force due to Df- which requires no over night travel; menis. salary. fied product line for a Thoro training, In sales leading eventually to mon- taxes or folding cartons for two person. Trlhune Only letters stating qualifica Thtc te tin unusual ODPOr- Outstondlng opportunity for growth ffifiT SHSnS Cav rtised! products with oood repeat value. leading company to a very selective market: the man ssemenT.

tS ana Development, nlry Tor vouns uhiumiuu oitions. Apply IrTptrsBn. Ask for Mr. WoTLER'MEnd fusTAPpTy A PTAIN experience helpful. tions, past connections ana financial arranaements desired salary pius.

ibi imp Top employee, benefits Including hospital-surgical nsuronce. life MAN WKIIC ivinL agement and engineering manpower in business and t. ayrluclVP DrlVOte We ore seeking on ambitious, aggressive man for an above average opportunity In on established territory In PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMAN mike McCarthy Lincoln, Comet AS 1 5 S. WESTERN insurance, ond retirement plan; Young man with ripdre for a will be answered. All information will be kept in strict confidence.

mdusrrv. A chance to work with the finest sales career and willingness to WANT-to establish a perma oroup or proiessiunui Soles nron the cnicago orea. Complete training program, salory, bonus, pension plan, and other benefits. also on executive of seiecnng posit on open in jm-ei, with an established progressive position with an i relocote and trav npnt career witnin a lean salary plus commls- el. Guaranteed slon.

--gallant cnlnrv DluS a aen- PLEASE WRITE, DO NOT PHONE, TOi with only the test references, which will be In-iodianted. should opply to Mr. Aioen erous commission plan. Expenses ore Call 889-1433, ext. for cppt.

QUALIFICATIONS but not necessary. Pension, hospitalization, vacation. Write for interview, giving full information as to: age, education, experience, references and telephone number. Present employer will not be contacted unless hired. Write MBX 100, Tribune ing company where economic and vertical growth is based upon your own capacity and demonstrated -in.

nnnthnrni AUTO SALESMEN To work In Western suburb's most progressive Bulck agency. This is a tremendous opportunity for the PALMER BU1CK, INC. pa ana a car is suyyiicu. antf life Insurance benefits plus fully paid pension plan are avail- ALIX OF MIAMI, INC. Some soles axperl-ence with at east 2 vears college 1 Applicants should have 0 college degree, though thorough consideration will be given to any outstanding In-dlv dual with strong desire to succeed In creative soles and possessing obll-ty to do detail work required of the Bonfire "Restaurant.

Vh mi, DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY COIN OPERATED This js unlimited earnings pty. rocnlts. SA 2700 Northwest Fifth-av. preferred. west of Holf Day on koiii j.

HAVF-a hioh dearee of in Must be between age 22 ond Arnrfpm background Good starting salary with full range Miami 37, Florida UK- be draft exempt and have cor. -jHEp Experienced In French cooking Pharmacy or Science or previous work or fringe Dentins. temgence; dandTd'clVonjVV7manufacturers with 150 yeor combined, experience In 4Ki. (iSih we will train you. Leads SIS LAKE-ST.

OAK PARK COM o. m. experience in me will be an asset. Send resume sup- -U1 rf-t-Ilc nf erti.rat on. eXDerl- For further Information con fri-nx furnished.

Contact E. Lorentz. or write enclosing recent pnoto 10 Call or write R. F. Mickus MOORE Mnn with real ability.

Institutional USED CAR SALESMAN ence, age and personal Docxgrouna 10: MR. 1. W. LINfvLA I CK HI. AYERSI LAbUKA I UKlco PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PhoneW10 rererencesu.m mc Just the best mon.

No. No WORK NEAR HOME AND EARN MORE master proven, success ui methods thru a comprehensive on-the-job training program; and the drive, stick-to-itiveness, and perseverance every real selling position re- ntilrac 7545 N. NAILHCi CHICAGO, ILL. ELECTRICAL sales tTalneesExpan- high or low ball. No Sundays, v.

location. Long hours, pays well. cSnsUM i'nV 'h1 nnnel Presbyterlan-St. nos- Business Forms, Inc. PHARMACEUTICAL SALESMEN Far nne af the eadlng ethical phor- Salary and comm.

No phont cans. See Mr. Bredemann. Inle electrical distributor has created "veraT opening? for ambitious young tir-i. hinlnalral manufacturers.

If you're interested in a permanent, higher earning oppor HELENE CURTIS INDUSTRIES, INC. 4401 W. N0RTH-AV. cv-ortonrpH will consider Inexper. AUTO SALESMEN (2) offer the long range opportunity commensurate with your ability.

If you ore an experienced G.M. salesman Snd willing to work honestly for an above average Income, then we may hove the right lob for you. pijoran-tee, salary, and commissions demp, plan to those who qualify. Apply In Auto Salesmen tentlons thruout Chlcagoland. Grow wlih this aggress We company, solory w-i" social benefits.

Wr BUSSE-BREDEMANN BUICK, 134 N. Northwest-hwy. Park Ridge WATCHMAKER-JEWELRY SALES McGraw-Hill" publishes over 30 1 lead- Divisional Headquarters PARK RIDGE, ILLINOIS 825-1151 An Equal "Opportunity Employer tunity, working in the city or suburbs, we have a wonderful men with college background. Age 22-38. Established territories; one headquartering In Lincoln, Nebraska and the other headquartering; In Dis Moines, Iowa.

MUST RELOCATE. in? to' mo or Pita aiw JruiMiMB. MKNCTsTmbAYS Large short-order restaurant converting to Kosher Delicatessen menu needs experienced reliable cook. Mjnon, Oo Pk. COOK-ROAST 7-4 m.

Sundays off. Fine position for ia'nulv man with good reputation. See Mr King Monday alter 10 a Blockhawk resume giving background, experience. ararr siaius. n.

new premium wmcn is orterea to new customers. Our men sell Home Delivery of The Chicago Tribune to qualified pros field of business. These organizations ind their management men depend on these lournals to keep up-to-date. This is circulation NOT space sales. Last year our men overaged $8,100 operating under on excellentsales hull Training praiiiom, iur lTIJ plus one of the, most attractive bonus arrangements In the Industry.

Expenses and car furnished along lha mnet rnmolpfp cnmoonV ben WE ARE NOT A BOOK CO. OUR PRODUCT ELECTRICAL "rnriKlswiNG REGIONAL SALES toorienred new ond used cars. Top compensarion pian pects in tne city ana suDums. Salesmen are paid a base sal salary pius 61115. r-OT QpuUlllllllcill nine elude phone number, age, background ond employment history In first Jet-ter.

Equal opportunity Employer. Con olE'E SALES REPRESENTATIVE lings. Co-operation of 3 w-i established electrical coi For. well established electrical Ofr So arv. see Mr.

nncuonnen. CLEVITE TRANSISTOR OFFERS AN EXCELLENT SALES ENGINEER POSITION (Akron, Ohio Area) FDGEWATER BEACH HOTEL 5M1SHERLDAN-BD. FpDeis4onP- 6 REPRESENTATIVE 5 0ns-D0nu5es, uiiuwuiiw, scale retirement, nsuronce, and nos-lltolliotlon benefits. We prefer men 30-50 years of age with a car. we offer you a challenge with a worthwhile future so why- not telephone closers.

Best outo row In Chicago. ary PLUS commission. Many of our men consistently earn $100 fidential. lt TEACHING wriiB ivin.t- moup ects oine, eto Ele'ctrlcdi "eng -neermg Mckl'round; essential. EkI-K opportunity for well qualified tects.

opportunity lanritnn h.ltrnntfr ItlflnUfOC- DUaDMirFIITICAL SALESMAr) Apply pirn jSOiWModison hnc nnpnlno fnr aggressive man, salary. W. A. CRANE, MO 4-5BUU Driver lurnisnea. mppit ciwm Mr.

Kaplan. PEOPLES PONTIAC 6060 N. WESTERN AUTO SALESMEN ffliK-xAnx 337. Tribune and over a week. You will be trained in the field by experienced supervisors.

Mon. or 10 o. P. m. by rapidly expanding company opening a new territory In Chicago area.

Married, age 26-35. Degree in science or business odmlnlstration. Previous experience desirable but not neces Cooishort order. Days. tooa saiuir.

5201 W. Chicago-ay, COUNTER MAN EXP-Kosher del. day wrfc ood Pg; His Area Manaqer solesman with pilot experience. Requires 3-5 years, of successful sa es experience In aircraft transportation equipment or related Industrial equipment. Must bs capable of servicing n.Vl.ll,hn nrnnntC.

HflVP 00 no new tlu nrnrf.irt ltnp. In- I MACHINES SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY One man for each west and south Durban Finest leods. Top commission foM good closer. Call DEarbo'n 2-4296 after 12 noon or stop by Room OTER and Grill bjiuui iw r.v sary. Lar lurnisnea, piui mission, and expenses.

Submit complete resume. Our employees know of this ad. Reply to MXH 30, Trlubne. eluding Germainum gold bonded diodes, power transistors, planar epitaxial transistors, mllle-mlnature diodes, silicone alloy diodes, packaged circuits, rectifiers, and mesa diodes Qualified applicants win oe entitled to many company benefits including three weeks vacation after one year. Openings will be filled im ElOrxeiS, ana ciusins suies. use In Chicago orea. So ary plus bonus. Submit resume with work history including past and present Register has excellent sol" openings In our city and suburban sales offices. Our representatives receive Mil, loo PYcriiTlxF SALESMAN W5i mon-EXP'd- thi5 -foseWesTipTrvisor in nnH nfrmnnent. Liberal PHARMACEUTICAL iAUcamH Nationally known first, line ethical We need men Interested In moklng money! Hard workers, neat and personable.

Prefer exp. men, but will train men that we think will qualify for our soles team. Excellent pay plan salary bonuses, vocations, and free demo. Closed only. KLINGER MOTORS earnings to: 4- rpeded service to home present a challenging career opportunity to the qualified sales engineer.

manufacturer. Ages 22-35. Biologic NEW PRODUCT to S15.0OO comm. science degree, pre-medlc, pre-aeniai or pharmacy background helpful but field and classroom training, mey provide Imaginative solutions to paperwork problems In large Industrial ond commercial accounts. Our stoff, of systems analysts ond nn Bt nntK nmu ripe the sales pay and benefits.

Apply RMnneI relations dept. Passavant Hospital, 303 mediately. Lome to Koom at between 9 and 5. FOR A Minimum requirements Include two to three years experience selling electronic or solid state components. Engineering degree preferred but not tfl W.

Qhlo-st. -7-Ann mnnnapr Norlit nor necessary. comm. Car furnished. Liberal benefits.

Include telephone no. and op-oiiriiilon. Write MHD 323, Tribune. 2525 WjJOUHX- NEW INDUSTRY man wiin oooilionoi "fen Uara nrp rvT1P tanalh fi reOSOOS WhV hospital, must be working supervisor. Send resume of aualificotions and ex ATTfri SALESMEN (2) absolutely necessary.

FIBERGLAS REINFORCED PLASTIC SALESMAN pTrmaceutTcal SALESMAN- you should consider soles career BELL HELICOPTER COMPANY Manager Personnel Operation! P. O. BOX 482 Fort Worth 1, Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer perience, and salary aebiieu. pe" wA; Varx 383, Tribune wlin u. a.

or d. wcsioo. Experienced. No floaters. Sell Amer; lea's most complete line of cars.

Our sales ond service facilities with Standard, Register: no reioca- $500 per month guarantee plus corn- If interested, please send resume to H. R. Bothe, or call ONLY, neea appiy, wi.u ji it mfr cppIcs man to on no overnigni iravei nut nmmKsions full FOOD'Pfoduction Manager College grod. ence. Salary range S425 to S650 per Full ond complete training program hn.n calotaH St tW In-central states Must TUxedo 9-7070.

ow ng Tor ine s.gica u. io-o, and Kansas, Salary Open, Respond Immed. sending your shapshot qualif. ond phone number. LANPAR company.

P. O. Box 35227, Dallas No travel, permanent lob opportunity are the mosr Demo on. Insurance benefits, EMERSON MOTOR SALES BUICK-FORD-LARK 87 So. Routh 12, Fox Lake, III.

MBC 60, Tribune commissions on repeat business-complete Insurance hosp. and pen-slon plan a policy of promotion from within to soles management positions ample opportunity, to build to advance to district and regional "Edw rrinx Niqhts. boiaen CLEVITE TRANSISTOR 1921 N. Harlem, Chicago PTiARMACEUTICAL Experienced see Jim nuMj.iHioi.i. iSg 'and preform portsopen molding and prototype development work Must be acquainted In the aeiail man, saiury unu uuii, SALES Kesiaurani.

"GRILL MAN managers as tost as you icuin uui business. Jt Full company benefits Including profit sharing plan. Call, from 10 a. m. to 4 p.

m. and speak to Mr. Kelly ond maintain a five figure income. Tn n.mllfo vmi chnti ri be 22 to 35, AUTO SALESMEN 21 Tired of working Sundays? You can menls. wrue nnnu ja.

iiiuui.q. fcXbLU II Vt oALMVIAN MnHirit Ausln-biid. EUj M732 own a car, una "o' IIB PHOTO PLAN SALES "An E'roo1 Opportunity Employer" ports are used. Opportunity for od-rrL 4 4- c-ia- Mnnnapmsnt. At- Ot 372-7113.

Setl in volume joi ine largest Ford dea er and still spend c.mrinwc nnrf hniirfnvs th vour fam Training or succcmiui ui IZm f.trthpr Infar- WHEN EMPLOYED: cv.rmrtp nr riphit salesman. Our men troctlve salary based on experience motion, contact Mr. Robert Gonchlff, TTEAD-Waiter Dining Room Coplaln. FamiMaV with. Confinentol service.

Coll Mr. RO 3-4400 tjne-r AAWAf5FR ily. Top bonus and draw or- Establish you In a going business, earn $12,000 to, $15,000 per yeor 3 SALESMEN Field Sales seiecnon manager. ana -I. iB.

rPAf'L. fur- with protected Territory. comm. selling i-nicnoo tv photo plan to new. mothers.

Cor 1 ANUAKU KtblilCK LU. hum sn you ail semna oias. Yaunkers KNOX ASSOCIATES of 111., Inc. Tribune Tower 435 N. Michigan-av.

RETAIL SALESMAN To complete expansion of Chicago area sales staff. Excellent starting salary, company car, expenses, bonus plan and complete fringe benefits furnished. Retail sales experience preferred but not essential. Age 25-35. For a prompt personal interview, send resume of busi-n ss and personal background to CURTISS CANDY CO.

3638 Broadway, Chicago 13. Attention Paul'Trenkmann, Distr. Mgr. OIO ChlCOQO 11 with or without experience. nished.

Call SO B-E061, Mr. Barile for particulars. Closed Toes, and Wed. necessary. Ckn nrr-fitC with Villi In SALES TRAINEE YOUNG MEN 18-24-Yrs.

No Experience Necessary HOTEL MANAGER Room 2801 MO 4-828B We would like to talk to keen. 1 La So Chicago JV, nhnn. Ft t-0288 evenings at 6 p. m. PETER PAN STUDIOS 3845 W.

North-ov. our successful non-contributory Profit-Sharing Plan, ond enable you to ennn PI AM aggressive salesmen eager tor earn 6 to 8 inousana vour nrai PHflTOrnPY SALES TRAINEE reor ona increase moi cuui icui AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN We need two experienced automobile salesmen for suburban GM dual dealer- a protessionai career. Long ranoe security and above aver Salary from S7.50O to S10.000 year pfus APtMuIt' have ability and ex-roripnrp enmmensurale th salary. Highest comms. Leads furnished.

Dealers welcomed. Good financing. Sotlm.downs. No experience neces-inrv. we train.

bk Water Treatment Wo have unusual opportunities In our Chicago office forpubl. work. Tk. nro Ant in Com NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED CAADl AVCn- Young, ambitious, man with car to train for expanding Photocopy distributor. Rapid advancement.

Salary State age, background and aualirica' fi. MEX 238. Tribune. sn p. ureal or see FOoD Salesmen With fo lowing.

f.V" ArtlM men. Comm. For details, can In our molor expansion program we ac- age income on comm. basis, to help us with an expansion program in this area. Dealership You will have proved vou can sell crrflctfniiv Ynii nre hard working.

mrx S66. Tribune experienced Good salary. Apply 134 SeeK wen quaiiuea vears with either chemical" or chem- jack Mitcneu. Relchert Chevrolet Bulck Sa es 141 N. Maln-st.

Crystal Loke 815-459-4000 pany expansion. The, men wo hire will work Into SISjOOO a year- after their first year. Jhls Position of prestige with the P. Collier, Inc we have more than 160 offices In S. La rm.

6is. PHOTO COUPON MEN CKtwi e'VSS' "TnS nogement of UwA when Qualified. We will slgnment in various mldwestern loca- Inc sr Guntpert 1152 W. 14th-pl. pirnTT Solicitors Full or part train vou ouicklv and efficient- Ttons.

Tre- d. m. Midwest Color Good solory, company car. and quar insurance ana Keai C5iaie v.ouiyuNiw. jy in Tne proiessiun oi ninny JANITOR Must be a member of Flat Janitors- Union, no other need apply.

Small North side furnished opt. hotel Must be a good worker, willing to do maintenance work. Prefer married man, no children. Salary $425 lime. Eiperienwu i mendous basis.

Studios, 4707Jj.BroadwoyjJ?.oojn4! terly bonus Insure on attractive earn Jtnllr inlnt avnorlonrp. 1 hoarifin fllfl's wrue iv.nL, jui ing level. Proof passers and Type. Color QUALIFICATIONS: Ownership of AUTO SALESMAN DON'T MISS THIS ONE Excellent oppty. for expd.

man living in western sub. Drawing bonus, demonstrator plan. SEE BOB HENRY ot DUNAWAY CHEVROLET m-nv Maywood FUEL OIL SALESMEN cmm trnintna in thf nln and servic Comm. Qgden Studio, 1735 W. 63ro.

plus Klicnenene 3d floor IRoom 70Ut, new Tors. 11, i. rar, ne uunuauic, pciauiiaitii. W. wusi.iMtfiy Men who wish to estobllsh future CAREER OPPORTUNITY ARE YOU ing or our cnemicois, exceiiem innyc konotfte mrt Hifrinmlr research oro- plastic Hnuseware Sa esman oral Interviews July 23d, 24tn, 25tn -j abiitv t0 aet TaIINDRY MANAGER i.ian4 nnnpnrlno.

naaress ve. exper the United States ond Canada. Training ot our expense Transportation Furnished JOBS ARE SALARIED AT $100 PER WEEK OR INCENTIVE BASIS FOR APPOINTMENT CALL STate 2-4854 BETWEEN 9 AND P. M. PERSONNEL 3 COUNSELORS grom moke these openings Important, especially If you call on Industrial enced salesman wanted for the greater along wiin people.

EXECUTIVE-TYPE SALESMAN ambitious, over 25, mar, eo witn i Some direct sales experience. Age limit 23-30. Cor necessary Must have AUTO SALESMEN (2) plants, write, tuny in commence Phone oi -ozoy, -r-a Medium sired hospital. 20,000 lbs. per wk.

Excellent opportunity. Good working conditions. Reply briefly stating age and experience. Personal interview will be arranged. Write MHD 523, Trlhline prior to interview.

recoro or 5uu.3 employment? Chlcago-Mliwauxee area, ur the country's leading manufacturers. Liberal draw against commission. Car nec. Write MXH 26, Tribune. J.SM vaco- AGE 35-60 tlan ialary expenses and liberal In- Drew Chemical Corp.

No previous auto experience necessary. Must have proven lob record. Salary, bonus, see Al Mew CREST FORD THE GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE I n.n.n.tnklt,harf nnlinnnl rnmnratlon. plumbing expd. Inside selling: cenitve pian.

PURE FUEL OIL CO. CO. OF AMtKlLA urrtKii steaay, cnan iur 4- commission. CR 7-4444 specialists In public relations service since 1923, has opening for mature, cnlocmnn In hernme our I Att. Mr.

E. a. Lowemnai 185 N. Wabash-ov. Chicago 1, 111.

7626 S. Stony Island 4801 S. Horlem-av. Forest View. INDUSTRIAL SALESMEN SALESMEN regional represenatvlve.

Install highly-regarded, exclusive soles promotion i NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY the challenge of In dvnomlc ogency. Income and advancement not bosed on seniority, ond finnn HnMi0HEATING CO. program tor leaaing unns in uuuumw MANAGER BLDGS. AND SERVICES Unusually attractive opening for olert ond aggressive man who 's we" trained in dg. and housekeeping Management.

He will be responsible inA hn icpmpn ana EARN $8,000 TO $10,000 Printing Salesmen LABELS AUTO SALESMEN (2) Suburban Ford Dealer. Excellent opportunity. Experience helpful but nor necessary, willingness to work Is. Commission, draw demo, WH EATON FORD. Coll for appointment, MO 8-9610, Mr.

Jordan MO 8-9610 rieia. HAVE YOU SET YOUR SIGHTS DN A SELLING CAREER? Will (rain 2 men between 25-35, 0 per week salory plus comm. Apply COMM. IN FIRST YcAK THE SECURITY OF. Requires successful soles record, un- tntoarlfv.

nanCSS fO 10 a. p. m. ana i v. experienced, to sell leading capital investment equipment Cecals Snap-out Forms 5358 W.

North-ov. Then be prepared for a clean break with the past, because we don't Insist Complete on-the-Iob training program ot one of Chicago's largest personnel rlnramonl earn TO Inter AUTO SALES molds, Prefer heavy supervisory back- HOUSEHOLD WAY PRODUCTS a future tn a nationui SerSnallied tro nlng. storting so on, liberal fringe benefits. inaT you nave experience la we news- Doner field to fill this opening In the line in tnicago ana surrounu-inn area Straiaht commission view, evaluate, and rate applicants for Expense, Salary, Monthly commission travel 250-tnlte radius of. home.

Relocation not necessary. Intensive training. Permanent position with opportunity to estobllsh repeat, protected business on liberal commission Plus bonus basis. For personal Interview, send resume snapshot If available to Chicago Tribune's Home Delivery Long ESIQuliaiieu iwuk viuwu Must have used car experience and be able to close vour own deals. Salary plus" commissions and monthly bonus.

Mr. Wolin, 4-13M Roseland Plymouth 34 W. 103d-st. our seiecr uroup oi bmijiutci Desire for career and ambition ta Opening for a young aggressive salesman Interested in career with a IJ n.mutnn rnmniinv Tnll On fjeparimenr. basis.

Can make upwards of SI 8.000 vear. Send resume Opening In our Chicago sales office excellent opportunity for right man. succeed most Important. Soles aptitude helps. No limits on age or edu This Is a permanent position with grouna in noieis, iiuaui.u.a, tionol Institution.

Please write listing previous employment accomplishments, and salary expected. write MHD 5o8, Tribune MANAGER To operate Drivein theater snack bar. Excellent opportunity for right mon. Apply In person ves after 6:30 ot concession bldg. rptnii and wholesale outlets.

Es Aiitn qal psmpn lihprni tn nn nnn rnmm.ssian. as Men Write today, giving experience ano n. a. t-awceir, vice riesiaeni, Stomats Company, Cedar Ropids. la.

with picture to ne evrpllpnt rnmcan, benefits fOT tablished territory. Similar sales experience anaor appropriate college rlIfi ronnirorl (XDenSeSi cation. ACf cno HAD Heneiai muuiiiiiuhuh-. those who qualify. You'll worlc 7'a PRbNLU.

1NL. SALES OPPORTUNITIES FMPIOYFRS SERVICE BUREAU car, profit sharing, and excellent em- hours a aay, nnonaav iniu nl.ncnnt. rnrnffirlnhlp Mini 20 N. Wacker Chicago ovee Deneius. ymc 6 N.

Michigan 7th Floor TECHNICAL mum age limit is and there aie excellent opportunities for people over Finonclal Hl ALLIED PRINTING INDUSTRIES, INC. O. Box 7, 12 Points Station Terre Haute, Indiana Information concerning experience, ca-ucation, for a personal Interview. AO. Come in for a personal interview.

New Dodge dealer needs eood men at once. Best commission plan In Chicago, plus free demo. See Ed Barber, Mgr. 9009 Morton Grove AUTO SALESMEN To sell new and used Chevrolets. Auto experience necessary.

Salary-commission demonstrator. Apply V. 1 pjin 7243 N. Harlem-ov. AUTO Salesmen 3.

Exp. not necess. Sell Ramblers. Sol. ond Comm.

GR 6-8514, 6739 S. Western. SEE MR. TRIrUNb, KUUM JLVf fKini.cTDiAl fillll T.ddIv Sales Trainees HELP! HELP f-lnrMHH 4nr cnlpe nnrl ailfltflt I tlllS. 4 MEN our expondlng flow pi Write-in leads.

No Interest ond carrying chargers to consumer. No credit problems. No down payment. Immed. top commissions, with full company benefits, bonus and car allowance.

Experience In the gnomic new field of programed learning methods not necessory however, only top closers will be considered for rapid Dally 10 a. m. 10 p. m. CntnrHnw until 1 n.

m. mnet hnvp PYOPTipncp background in Nationally known manufacturer and distributor of scientific apparatus and instruments for education, industry ond research, offers exceptional career opportunities for aggressive marketing minded young men. We are especially Interested In candidates possessing bachelor's degree In science or the rfBiMTiMrtTKbrtlt-CD nP SALESMAN Tribune Tower 435 N. Michigan MGR. fo small downtown hotePSfn-gle preferred.

Salary 550.00 weekly and living quarters. Apply 33 N. La Room 1125. MOTEL MANAGER For new 100 unit motel In Ige. commercial city In Illinois.

Excel, salary and manager's opt. Must hove commercial motel or hotel mgt. exper. Give complete resume. Write MHD 183, Tribune Ihls business, unlimited earnings op r-or growing i ma hup, a earj nQ eCironiCS mTr.

OT- portunity tor live-wire, Chicago's most complete line. ADply comm. yuauiy AN 3.2074. SALES REPRESENTATIVE 10317 S. Michigan CO 4-5000 i'KUUULf SALES MANAbbK Ters uuiaiaiiuMiy yium khui tunity in field sales.

Requires minimum 2 vears' colleae enai-l MORE LEADS THAN WE CAN HANDLE METAL WUKUINij A recognized leader In the manu MOTEL CLERK AUTOMOTIVE AREA SALES MANAGER REPLACEMENT PARTS INFANT UNDERWEAR WATERPROOF PANTIES CUTTING FLUIDS AMD I IIBRICANTS Alnnnnv. TI'IUT ft. HI. Salary during complete on-the-Iob training program at our main office In Chicago. Full expenses, car, solory and commission provided when assigned to exclusive territory.

Reply by complete resume detailing personal, educational and occupational background and Indicating desired facture or paper proaucts nus ua opening for sales representative in the Chicago areo. Age 23 to 40. ci.iib i Ann. 307 neering and some previous selling experience. Company car and possible relocation after and 2 p.

m. only, suite Nnlinnnl organization wilh established N. Michigan, cnicago. previous selling experience cunino. nn rimo.

grocery or variety trade Busy motel has opening for experienced clerk. Good working conditions ond other benefits. Opportunity for promotion. Highest poy. See Mr.

Stu-ort, Loke Tower Motel, 600N.Lake Shore-dr, MOTEL "MANAGER Man and wife Established manufocfurer has opening OPENING for an aggressive sples- fnr hottnr fi.t.irp. Well I soles distribution is looking tor young man with experience on culling fluids used In the metal working In completion of sales training. Awnlngs-Alumlnum wlnd'ows-Patlos. etc. If you con, sell weve1.sJ for LH LAuU SHLCSmHii.

preferred. Exc. training program. The position provides both. security starting salary.

Write M6X 99, Tribune Send resume and salary re us ness. rail- and advancement possibilities, ana ar tiMie Inr norennnt Car necessary. Salary and commission. PI 8-6200 finance Full cooperation, known 25 year Notional Distributor ond Manufacturer wonts man, 25-46, with good work record, to sell quality line of fast moving replacement automotive ports to, dealers, fleets, ga- 583-3711 dustry, uoaa sianmy suiuti mony company benefits. Onrinrtiinily for advancement.

Send full personal dota Including work exoer ence. quirements. Write MBX M5, Tribune Salary, bonus plan, company-pard TU P-3UW ream, txpor.entea. iuo us 0103 bonus. De luxe 60 unit, pool.

Western sub. Send experience and details. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE SALES CORRESPONDENT nnanlno fnr man tO hOhdlO vacation, retirement trust, insurance, nnri rfl rnr iirnlchPrl. PROFESSIONAL SALES An equal opportunity employer wrue mOA DO, iripunt: INSURANCE SALES Independent general Insurance broker write wba iiiuuiic Real Estate Lifetime Career nn. AmeflCO'S II you are mieresiea in icui uo- nnHnnttv In ll DD.

Ohone JaCk customer. Inquiries ond orders. Re leading and most progressive life In Williams, BR 5-3000, after 9:30 Obtain professional status as mem- specialty Items to hardware stores and other Established accounts. Protected territory. 50 of sales organization earns over 510,000.

Automotive experience helpful, but PLEASE READ WhO 5 now euiiiiuy iimuic tA inln rivnnm llfp Insurance A. July 16, or any time Nationally known manufacturer of automotive servlct equipment wishes to expand sales force. Men 25-40 years, wsresslve, with tangible sales experience and management, potential Cnlnrv -1 nmmion. Com surance companies, mwiiuuu. be married, college trained, between ages 25-40.

Need not hove H'e In paiance or ween im uw Der or tne most iniormtu. m.u,c money making reol estatB organization. Earn while vou learn. Np experience needed, but a desire to work quires nign mKnumuu 'iS era oris degree or min. 2 yrs.

lecn. schooling or equlvo ent and min. 1 it. desk soles experience. Age 21-45.

fexcellent starting solory with good Sa esman Who Is Promotable not pecessary. NIGHT AUDITOR Desk clerk, near North side hotel. Must have NCR experience and good refs. S40O per month. SU 7-8500, 9 a.

p. m. NIGHT restaurant auditor With some experience. Apply 14th personnel Sheroton1Chlcogo. 505 N.

Michigan. PANTRY Man Exp. and fast. Apply 325N.WeJIS PIZZA Maker assume other duties. HannnilnhlD.

full time. AISO Part time Are you between 20-25, full of and enthusiasm, clean cut with a burning desire to make money as a nrnfocclnnnl nlrmnn? WflU VOU surance exDericni.c, mil i' company selling the most competitive policy In the United States. We want you to continue your general business and ot the same time, morket our product 5 figure Income so ary a- rnmm ai.nmnteed for the right ombltlon and desire to serve others. Quaker Hill long established rnmnnnv In hnme around Improve plete factory and, field training i pro HIGH Income on salary plus commission Excellent field training, group Insurance, and other grams. Earnings in caurM o.uw fringe ond del nite, program tor vanement with Inside soles group.

FlFXONILd Excellent earninj. Cnlnn, tn 47.2Da. ill earn you si.ouy pius monimy. Our 15 years In business makes this possible. Must have car.

Moke on appointment today obout your future with Mr. Blumenthal. J. KRUGER CO. REALTORS.

ments, nas opponunny tor niun wnu has ambition and aptitude for soles monagement. Right man will qualify per year, ror appomimeni, tun MR. M. C. MARKLEY Extensive' training program ond other proven tools to locate buyers ond benefits.

rfnunlwjm Inrtl- Div. of Calumet 8. Hecla, Inc. like the security of $10,000 per year within os a. district sales manager In Chicago, New York, Los Angeles or Son Francisco, selling our new office systems and supplies? No soles exp.

necessary, we will train help wtd. 4742 N. Harlem. UN 7-7770 for promorion in i to monms. rer-enn will rprelve thnrouah prod.

Director, Selection ond Trplnlng moke soles. An uneauoieo oppor- mon plus participation in the company. You must have an excellent knowledge of life Insurance, dallies to support the fact that you are earning a figure Income, pass a rigorous personal Inspection Including ..7. 4actlnn Vrt.l mn ffrffl TO. 7-4500 52 Lincoln PlZZA-mon exper.

"Good working 300 E. Bartlett, in. tion, phone' C. Williams ot WH 4-4127, after 1 p. m.

Monday and uct and field training. Commission Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, ill. wm 4.4199 rails rem ved RFA ESI A llmlted growth potential ond advance pay, full tirne.547-B670. PORTER-DISHMAN and bonus and car furnisned to quail- all.aay tuesaay. ronl ectnta tn Solicit OUA 9 o.

p. m. July 15 ond 16 you to sell our products. Marring salary open as to your needs and commission. Do not phone, apply In per ment inio monuvciitciij.

For confidential Interview call -Sz-n-iL lonp far lame flea man. no Traveling, no collections, no deliveries, and no samples to carry. Drefnp mnrrleri man nver 30 for year- SALES, BtlGmER- ATTENTION-REMODEL real estate promollon. Manogetnent AUTOMOTIVE SALESMAN a.5-;aio. son, Monaoy, juiv.

is. minimum of SIO.OOO to your oresent eornlngs right now. We will house you ot no expense. Call WA 2-8707 2 dependable men needed for permanent full time positions In lae. hospital.

Good salary, employee benefits apply Personnel office. Evonston Hospital 2650 Rldqe-ov. for too producer. Comm ssion. con Mr.

Wilson VI 8-1556 NATIONAL CORP. 333 W. Lake-st. William Burgman ING CLOSERS oner iu a. m.

methods des en- around work. Territories open on north and south side. If you are high calibre man who Is looking for 9 good paying sales position with a future, coll ME 7-3164, John Leroy. Inter- Chicago Areo. Well, established i national concern multll ne automotive products has on opening nr a.narta,r.ri cnlPCfnnn Ptohllshed REAL ESTATE SALc5MfcN ufnh rlnc.

r.mAH.IIna nraanllation SALESFREED0M FOR SALE INSURANCE AGENT Opening 10 new offices in Chicago Join our opportunity minded sates force. Earn ilO.uOO plus on salory ond bonus. Plenty of help, prospects st in solving production problems, trouble shooting with production shop area. vlews 1-4 p. Mon.

thru wea. LOOKING FOR HIGHER EARNINGS WITH OPPORTUNITY FOR with recognized ability has room for 1 top remodeling closer. We have leads of the highest auollty. We have the most beautiful showrooms in the entire Chicago areo. You must have nrnv.n hlah mmlnO OOl ItV and RESIDENT NIGHT MGR.

ASST. Age 30 to SO. Supervisory experience desired. 40 hour week. LAWSON Y.

M. C. A. 30 W. CHICAGO-AV.

Apply after 10 o. m. If you are an od or TV, time, salesman, an Account Executive with on od ogency, or a retired military of- 4lrar. nnrl If vmi hPl fVf that thB and eoas, ers toik your CHICAG6 FUTURE LP 1-4359 20 MEN accounts guaranteed. Earnings possibilities comm.

Age 25 to 37. Replies will be kept confidential. Submit complete resume Including personal data, education, employment history ond earnings. Write mux 359, Tribune AnVAtJrFMFNT? personnel ona qua nr coaiiui. mwi of fchir.

manufacturing use and shop practice of on types i of airblde ond high speed sleel cutting tSls, gouges, accessories ond production shop equipment. Heod- REAL ESTATE SALESMfcN Cwnnnnlnn MIT, Wf9Ct Cllhlirhnn afflCB American system Is based on Con- Mature Salesman ini in fha mi clean background. Weekly draw okay Work for on old, established, legal reserve company writing life, H. A. Hospltollrotlon, and fire Insurance on wants aggressive young men familiar with area.

License, preferred but not vertl5ing ana jiiuhiunuiiui tor ine rigni man. Coll Mr. LeRov for PE WOOO quarters In St. Lou is, wim BEVERAGE DRIVER necessary, uraw on coiiiiniiuir. Mfr.

of compters line of sanitation estab. debits. Exc. company oeneiiis, Cn. tn Cli: UlW CnlnfV 4- COmm.

slltulionai Low ana rree tnterprise, we want to know obout you. We hove a lob available selling America's most dynamic TV program. It's profit making, of course, but more than that. It's a worthwhile endeavor. Tell us about yourself.

All replies will be acknowledge, and personal LeKov 44P0 Riverside. Lyons, III l-or aeiaiis, tun ui- o-voou 8825 River Grove company group m. am, to. Donetnn nlnn. Paid vaca RESTAURANT MANAGERS We ore looking for few men to enter our training program, and, take over positions of responsibility in the fall.

We will show vau our systems, cnemicois ana equipment, onera a orowth cDDortunltv for a dependable 5 days. Apply 8 a. a. m. only.

For Interview call Mr. Kerry, Dear-horn 2-13ol. 9 to 5 m. Salary $110. REAL estate salesmen, part time.

EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN experienced. Industrial salesman. SALARY-EXPENSES 28,9 W. 47th-st. tions.

Our men average over $150 per wk. on commissions plus annual bonus. Prefer morrled men. Must have car. ESTODIIsneo, proieciea lerniory- i-iDer-nl Hrmjulna nrraitnt oaalnst Cflmmls- We are looking for a man between 23-45 with executive ability, gooc I ed- ninrv aw, nrranopn.

SALESMAN WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY WUNUCKrUL urruMui u. Live SOUinwesi. inoiiioo3, neat young men. Sell new homes, commission. Call for appointment.

LU 2-0345. Mr. Lehtmon. but you must have several years restaurant experience to qualify. Ap slon.

For appointment call: Co tor interview. T1, HU 8-3600 1558 W. 79TH-ST. ucat on, ond pleasqtng personoiuy. Opening.

for, lust.l good tthtsman, accustomed, to octrp contocf accustonted to 5f, 'the piTbTlcC If Virginia -wow PERMANENT ply mornings to wimpy uiu.a, BUILDING PRODUCTS NO EXPERIENCE REAL ESTATE SALESMAN very Write MKL 41. Tribune SALESMEN age 35 to 55, wrnlnp iuilfljBj. $12,000 Sr year. Experienced In dt eimajfTonol and business INSURANCE SALESMAN DOCK- active OtTlce. run Time, win ieuui.

nnmm nine hnnne RESTAURANT MANAGER Detailing retail drug, wholesale. olnd!" Give address and telephon. Ambitious mon, 25 to .45, for per DISTRICT MANAGER restaurant on Indiana-ay. FgjPNrLPPjjJJ.y AV 2-1400 rprt selllna lieia, to worn HujimtM opwlSfSs on North Side for music school. Permanent wsit'on.

Draw Coll Mon. CO 4-9410 1351 ffonally odve'rtlsed proprietary ond sundry Items. Som sales experience manent sales position with old established life Insurance company. Im- ji.i. nn AfV nor mfinlh Bill? ujlth In ralllna on drua.

iwAiTPlsc rninfpri" Must he exper REAL bblAlt oALCoVIMr, for octlve south side office. Liberal for local lecdlns nursery product company. We need 2 qualified managers ot once. No experience In our line grocery, or hardware stores. Car es necessory; however, will Train nonesi, dependable.

Individual. Write In de- commission. Previous exMrlence not nprpssorv. as we will thoroly tram fll into' our financial appointment will be arranged. 3 yr.

tro nlng, program on salaried bosft. All replies ore confiden- MBXlWTrlbune, SALES REPRESENTATION Wnwm'nnn A ASSOC. RA 3-1923 sential. Temporary. SALARY-BONUS-CAR ALLOW.

TUC MIIKir CENTER necessary, we give compieiB Training with assistance In building organiza REAL Estate Free preview 15 week the right man. Liberal employe bene-it unn iibp n.nnlp. enn manage MHD 104. Tribune ltnia s. Westem-av.

239-121? hnn. UA l.iUMl. Fxt. 301. between NECESSARY Old Established Company Will hire i young men, 21 or over, with' no selling exper.

to sell in our building products offer two weeks training on a salary. You will be assigned to a territory on a substantial draw against comm. which should earn you S1JO-S225 per week. If vou have a sincere desire to learn to sell, you will be given nnnnarntlnn sound rum, saies license touisc. iuci for working salesman.

Comm. Monday, a. m. and for yourself and have the desire to suc- tion, (juanry lor company car, insurance, paid vacation, training fees. UP to 32 pet.

comm. on some Hems plus extra overrlte. A real opportunity for the right man. Interviews from 10 to 7:30 p. m.

innnc jam n. laminic. ceea, tnen your suu n. SALES ENGINEER appt. ask tor Mr.

cooy. THE R. H. DONNELLEY CORP. Notlonolly known Plastics and JVAttni food! Mfr.

seeks high quality self starter to cover Illinois. Familiar ty REAL Estate salesman for top firm ness 32 fj fa (w AU THE DRAKE 0AKBR00K Top opportunities for yr. and wk. COOKS SECOND COOKS BUTCHER WAITERS rctpmli, nr pytraT esroDilsnea iyu. uraw unu has openings for top quality salesmen.

Age 25-35. Excel ent salary potential for the 4 daily, rnone Mtmmac -jim, mr, W. E. Franlcen. REPRESENTATIVE I nmnf IN 3-2020 INSURANCE SALESMEN REAL ESTATE Salesman Exp or In- I.

un nr. Kptwppn and 40. Intelli Wonted for very attractive, short lino cl, Tnta hnne mnri. nf Dntent all)- I dynamic hord hitting, so es type. Write, giving full details regarding SALES TRAINEE Apply Mon.

9 to 12, 1 to 4 only th nousewores, nuiwr, plies helpful but, not Cor nec Call on who esa rock lobbers, choins, dept. stores. n. supervision, max. oppty.

Solory plus expenses plus bonus. MAIL RESUME TO exp. Train Small N.W. ofc. Comm.

AV 2-3737 want Dacxgrouna unu cuww.iu,,, nilN RRADSTREET. NC. gent, neat appearing, and hove a desire to moke career In the life Insurance business, we are Interested ftnn l.nrt furnished. Ad An excellent opp. for immediate em- 4035 W.

LAWKtNLt-AV. RFFRIfiFRAT ON SALESMAN p. O. Box Chlcogo 90, III. Atten gator plastic and tapestries.

Price ranee $2 S3 retail. gentlemen who ore familiar with this trade, colling on dept. stores, discount houses Independent, chains, need opply. Comm. basis.

State territory sirictly.confldentlal. vance 'commissions. Call for oppolnt- CALCULATOR SALESMAN Experienced. Salary plus comm. Call tion J.

MQiers. Complete knowledge, and exper. selling commercial refrigeration to food stores for old estobl. eaulp. house.

Eloymenr. will irain ana piu.i.uic, Apply In person o.m.- p.m. or coll Bl 5-4770 CERMAK AND YORK RDS. 11500 W. 2200 S.

rrvTrrl Nationally MANUFACTURER'S SALES. REP- PERMA-LIFT and MAGICOOL girdle ond bra mfr. offers career oppty. for ambitious young man. Must be willing to relocote after 3 to 6 months salary training.

Apply by letter only to Mr. E. R. McGulre. alesmanTex i i.f,.

ment. HA 7-2281. INSURANCE SALESMEN often Known ie. uuvr, iTiti, write vna iy, i muqhq REMODELING AND SIDING Sal. comm.

Suburban Cash Register NATIONAL LEATHER CO. career wont two salesmen to service qualified leads and load heavy ndustry Introduce our new line of SEMI PNEUMATIC INDUSTRIAL LIFT. TRUCK TIRES. Salesmen hMK to nioa 44 lllinois-5T. no.

I-LCAIDLC r-rwnuii' Molor flexible packaging an' on expansion l.ocol terr. avail Not lust onolher lob, wit a reo growth 'opportunity the lorgest factors In i the business. I I4J V. i.uiiurn.jj-r rxr i SALESMEN ing, commission oniv. uan ivi.

won. CASTER SALESMEN 201 Front-st- N. t. HIGH INCOME We offer the top prop. In town for AFWFP.TISING SALESMEN pnitlna fntpr mnmrforturpr has OPCn- a ISO istr iwci ida wrP cnlfmrnen Laras ite Ings for 2 exp.

Salesmen 30-45 to Mmnnnu hne nnonlna fnr PXoer. OT' Exce em oaiuir. tne ngnr men. come in ror iun uc-tolls regarding the. best comm.

deal. Consumer's Home improvement Co. Receive the opportunity, and high Income of comm. ntnar nra anlnulna The Mllv mrvtem I V-JCUPPAL MANAGER Do you believe In yourself? Would you like to work for a ca. of which you con be proud, associate with men vnii rpeDPCt? dinary salesmen.

Salary, plus comm. au redl nterested persons Mr. Fry, Superior Industrial Tire Co. Worren, Penna. Phone 814-723- and expenses, car essentloi.

aeno ae tolled resume. OXFORD book SALES REPRESENTATIVE Leading Toiletries-Accessories mfr. seeks expd. salesmanselllng Notlons-Tolletrles depts. In Dept.

Stores ond Variety chains. National accepted line, smartly.pockoged-prlced for vol-ume sales. Liberal side line estaoiisn ana can on uismDuiufs, Dealers end O.EJVt. In Midwest. Gd.

bonus, etc Some travel. Must FLEXIBLE PACKAQ! GING DIVISION 4, Trlbuno 345J w. nnunj I Kuac Write MHD ifiDune JFWFIRY SALESMAN eTdTinwppv. rhrUtmas cards. wnie 2383, BROWN BIGELOW iTTto BAKERS oe seir sianer.

nacMci i rnpp Tn has Noveiry sioennes comm. nu Cutl linn Icumlrv Id cm (in wonted Y0UNG MEN TRAVEL Gorden Plan Burial ground In Lake County, Indiana, Is now, expending its staff of trained counselors. If you live far south side Chicago, south suburbs, or Loke County. Indiana, yoy may be qualified to loin our staff. Mr.

Johnson FR 2-5430 I nimniff employed mon whose Notional Ing far cu A 65 yr. old specialty advertising firm Is now Interviewing men for positions by large Chicago Wholesale Jewelry O. K. Air moll reply to box 2th hopes ond desires seem unlikely, to CEMETERY LOT SALES diStriDuior to can on esiaonsneo cus Reaiservice, uu wesi n. Under, 24.

tp travel N. Hawaii, and other leading resorts to represent lead ng recording ortlsts In Wonted capable solesman who Mows the retail bakers In Chicago area to sell well established basic quality J-gredlent for prom nent monyfacturer wAxcellenrrePutotlon. ond expenses. Send full details. Replies held In strictest confidence.

tomers in tnicago ana suouroi win. tnn rhimnn Nft travellnq: oge 24-35. Smoll salary comm. S150 to S300 in Call Mr. Gordon, WfcSTmore ma preferable married; college or sales AAANUFACTURER'S Weekly draw againsi commissions.

Mnet hnvn oood car. Send us full par wk. training. college ies e- co ege mtatna Exlenslve training STORE FIXTURE SALESMAN experience, comm. ona oonus coniracr SALES recora inausirr.

excenem bonus, trpnsportotlon fur- rence preferred. ticulars, reterences and recent snap- nisnea. expenses oavontea. mi. program.

Utah rntlhar vauna man to work with snof. Kepiys connaenuoi. Writ aaym Tribune Tor average n.9.1 cuiiuiiMii i Ing program on 3 mo. basis. Call now for personal Interview.

MO 4-3770 baker. Shennan Mouse rtpiei, ma icuei dv rill TllPPn PPARLS AnvpPTISINfi SAt ESMFN Salle, Randolph tn ta p. m. tn man-25-3S vears, ci cc KrHKtotNIA VCo cni.m.n Wanted VT renew mo ntenanco con- OnLLJ im.iim.uui...... Representative Or ogency.

Cosmetics, established line Commission basis. Experienced only need apply. Territories: Illinois, In- innn wtwnn n. AM 2.G5T1. Calling on trade.

Good commission, vice-president a service, program to national firms. Must be capable of making presentations to high level executives. College, bock- With direct sales experience to nj- trac)s. Solonr wus ctmmi" Seeking 2, wpen Interested Ir i earn. Ing commissions In excess of $100 COSMETIC SALES REPRESENTATIVE Good future.

Good reterences. DEorborn 2-4899 Get in on ground floor. Well established West Coast firm now opening Eastern territories. S300 to S350, weekly immediate commissions. Rapid promotion to management for qualified.

Store fixture manufacturer seeks sales distribution In Illinois. You will sell thA nntlnnallv advertised, non-comoetl- Sro morxer. esiupiisneu cross, insurer, si-, ome sales organization. Will train ceiient working conditions, can tar ground and selling exp. reauirea.

sat. Write TBX 567 Tribune LAUNDRY AND DRY-CLEANING SALESMEN Men, women over 21 qoollfled oppllconts for career In this dynamic field. Excellent salary. Coll: Town Refrigeration Corp, SALESMAN COIN-OP EQUIPMENT 785-2288 for Personal Jntentlew. Aggressive, bright young salesman Salaried training period.

Then comm. energetic worxers. I rainees invuea. VINYL PRODUCTIONS SP 7-2174, Sun. or Eves.

Mr. Foote Fmalover An equal Qpportunlt tlve line of Berg Motion Merchandisers ond Showcases. Widely used In practically every type of retail store. High Income patentiol for person or, organization willing to make the colls thot make the sales. Mail resume to Sales o-, tljno cbMMISSION IN A MONTH sOT TOO MUCH for the man we 'Jnitlir WisSo Over.30.Toke yOUr OWn DUX, IllUnC 7UU UHII UVUII.

Background not Important. Income from $50 to $200 week comm. Photo portroTt sales. Coll 547-4314 week-Says :30 to, 8:30 Sunday 9 to 1. Prefer residents In west, nnrthwest ond north suburbs, Imported SALES REPS.

TO sell preferably wltn tooacco, grocery or tax experience. This Is for a hardworking man looking for a career In the toy business. Salary and comm. LUMBER SALESMEN overhead streamline- door closers, stSxed In this country, to coll on Glass Jobbers, Glazing Contractors, store Front Installers, and Hordwort ADVERTISING SPACE SALES Agressive trade magazine space salesman for Midwest. Goad agency contacts.

Potential unlimited. Interest In boc'lna. 'ield Jif'S'li's. inctn. nnHlrt.

sales Dereannet Director, berg company, vivi North Stoughton Road, Madison, Wise Write MBX 22y, Tribune rT. im perroeum, oua SALESMAN Moving company offers aoMitunitv for high earnings, solory wonted. Solory and comrnlsslon; Insurance ond cellrement plan. Excel- nl-t-lhntnr. OH Comm SSIOn.

ft liTexoSj wnie w. i iS(nstrlbutor. otPOJTery, Comm. up to $2M weekly. Tremendous opportunity with MONDIAL UNITED CORWRATION 532 Madlson-ov.

N. N. Y. lent oooortuniiy tof ngnr men. experience preferred, but not necessary.

TuullR draper be Tralned ty our highest pa rejre-Mntatlves For appt. cal Mr. Sidlo. al VA 44777; Suburbs EU 4-3240 -ErE'PHONOALESMAN swr telephone salesmen to contact tip exeStlVes of Industry and oSrotlons, to orrangfe MFGR. REPRESENTATIVE High type mon to procure Precision machine work on castings and ports.

CmmlsslSS bSsIs Old estobllihed in man modern tool shop. writ. MBX 197. Tribune Salesman FrozenTOod PACKER-Trelned In Chlcogo for multl-stoto territory. ExcellentMlora and cinm.

Write MHD 443. Tribune. "A A. A. Chicago Motor Club Sell auto.

Earn SlOpoo i yeor ill nVcomm. W.GoIek, CO 1-2727, end bonus top level man wltn (mice and Industrial moving experience required. Many additional beneifts. Our niPloyeeslmawofthlsod. ADVERTISING agency wants 2 salesmen.

Adv. exp. not necessary. Com. participation In owner- large local Apply 830 N.

Ashland. Ask for Lewis Dunne. 10 SALES AAANAGEMENT TRAINEE representative AO- I 1 UCD CnToe fnr vnnrself In th In. TEACHING MACHINE SALESMEN snip. write wax vt, ihuuhc, torfes Cornm basis.

Car Sim. Hos-Ktallratlon ond other benefits. Send resume to The, Robinson Clay Prod- wrue rvmA tn 4 oil ween. ci crTDir married, i SALESMEN Exp. inausirial to represent leading gloss tableware mfr.

Chgo. orea. Call on whole- suronce business. 3 year training program. Salary per mo.

Prefer college trained and married, age 25- rypERIENCED forge sales rep. far old TeslabilshS railing on heavy innnSv. midwest territory; UCTS CO. t. CT.

MO 0rilier5. l-OOn stores inoiqna. Solesman familiar with electric motors ond controllers. Steody pos Hon. Good opportunity.

Sal. Titer Electric and Machine Works. 17 S. Jefferson -soie ona reran accounts, cau. jitp i riwn nreu.

siae ne Moil resume Midwest Sole! i Division, mac wirn lanu ranoif mw r. oj rjcSSENERAL MANAeER Wltti or without, exp. Ago J1-40. Qualified leads. $46 to $90 comm.

per sole. 2 sales a day not uncommon. Phone Jim Paulley, CE 6-0821, 9:30 to 1 p. m. 34.

Coll Mr. MaKovsicy. ju 3-zbbq. DISTRICT Soles Monager Chicago area. Machine Monufoctyer.

Leading manufacturer of cosmetics and toiletries seeks a sales representative to established drug end deportment store accounts In Indianapolis, Dayton, Columbus ond Chicago. This Is on excellent opportunl ty for a capable Intelligent salesman with college education to Increase his earning capacity ond grow into a re- -warding management position. Cosmetic sales experience helpful but not essential. Experience In calling on drus or deportment stores desirable. Position Includes salory, commission, automobile, expense ond benefits.

Send full resume end eatery requirements ta MXH 23, TRIBUNE An Equal Opportunity Employar Huron, suite 71 1. mllV' and wire products. Comm. onhr, ka Mltwoukee-av. MOip jveat Solesman Expd.r also man WANTED Man COM on 5eiU fx 2-ysss INbUSTRlAL Solesmnn By Inspec- Experience ana p.eaauni wjuiiu.hi.

fiwnbler agency. Please send resume PyrHent rawing accouni ana wiuuiiuion. life i ons. eict. 'y' nnri tnnllna TPD.

Draw equip. with chain store meat aining Insurance, excell.sal. Supp Pnoro ana quainicoi ons. QUKry, uvu 31. TRIBUNE tot premium iVni.

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1,6 3-M4 Wr. Canter retail rrooe arug, leweirr, o.ui, ewe I Drow.pno.jiv; -AflfiU I EST. reiriiuiF. stores. Oppor.

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So ary ond comm. FICK PAPER CO. 01 1-1500 1 COMM. WA 5-425.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.