Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage - Blasphemous Guide - IGN (2025)


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Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage is the ninth level in Blasphemous. This page features a walkthrough of this area, including information on any collectibles you'll find including Cherubs, Quest Items, and more.

As soon as you begin this area, you'll see a new enemy, which is a nun with a pot on a chain. They'll slam these down and deal plenty of damage, so slide past their attacks when they lift up the pot to attack.


Continue to the left and into the room where there are multiple ledges. Jump up first and use the Prie Dieu. If you drop all the way down, you'll see two rooms at the bottom. The one on the left is covered in poison mist, so you can equip something to protect you against toxins if you have it. In this room, to the far left, you can collect the Heart of Saltpeter Blood.

The room on the right will have leaping enemies and another new type, that breathes fire.

Continue to the right in this section to return to Graveyard of the Peaks. You'll see a lift here. If you take it down, it will meet the lift you used earlier, to take you back to Albero. On the other side of the lift, in the door to the right is a locked gate with a statue holding an item behind it.

Ride the lift down, then jump up onto the ledge with the lever, and then onto the lift on the right, to reach another room. In here, you'll be able to increase your maximum health.

Go back to the Prie Dieu and take the ladder up. Take the door to the right and into the room with the boiling lava being poured from cauldrons above.

Dodge the lava as you move towards the right, when you reach the end of this room, you can defeat an enemy that will stop the lava being poured.

Climb up the ladder to a room with leaping enemies and one pouring lava. Jump up the right-hand side of the room, using your sword, timing it so you miss the lava.


Then go through the door to the left. There will be numerous enemies in here, as well as the cauldrons. With the Blood Perpetuated in Sand equipped, you want to make your way across to the top left, to get rid of the enemy that's pouring the lava.

Collect the Sternum of Vitas, the Performer along the way. Continue through to the door on the left (you can also take the door to the left at the bottom of the previous room and end up in the same room). If you go along the top platforms here, you'll reach a dead end with a gate that has to be opened from the other side. Make your way down the ladder, to the bottom of the room and you'll be able to remove the enemy that's controlling the cauldrons.

Continue down using the ladder, avoiding the room full of poison mist off to the left.

Take the door to the right first and pull the lever.

This will release the ladder that will take you back to the Prie Dieu. Go back through the door to the left, then make your way down to the bottom. A spectre-type enemy will appear when you first drop down, who can shoot at you quite rapidly. As you drop down, you'll also notice an item on the right-hand side of the left part of the room. Ignore this for now and make your way across to the far left of this room and through the door.

There will be multiple leaping enemies and spectres in here, so make your way through the room slowly. At the far end of this room, to the left, you can collect the Small Bead of Blue Wax.

Exit this room, then jump up on the platform with the nun holding the pot on a rope. Climb up and take out the second nun holding the pot, then the fire-breathing enemy and the spectre. Run all the way along to the right to collect the Phalanx of Miriam, the Counselor.


Go back to the left, then continue climbing up. In this room you'll have to contend with spectres, leaping enemies and the cauldrons of lava being poured. You want to head to the top of this room, to the right, first. You can get rid of the enemy pouring the lava and also interact with the red candle to get the Medium Bead of Red Wax.

Now go back along to the left of this room, drop down to the bottom and take the door on the left.

In this room, you'll want to climb up using the wooden planks on either side, resting when the lava is being poured. Move up, deal with the two fire-breathing enemies, then take out the lava pouring one at the top. You then have two doors you can take, one on the left and one on the right.

Take the Door on the Left

Halfway along this corridor, you can pick up the Cloistered Sapphire.

Take the Door on the Right

Here, you can find a Prie Dieu halfway along this corridor.


As you reach the end of the corridor, Viridiana will be here (and have changed appearance). She will offer to help you again in the upcoming boss battle. Continue on to the right, past Viridiana, to start the boss battle.

Boss Battle Against Our Lady of the Charred Visage

In this boss battle, you want to jump up and attack the face, while avoiding the attacks the floating hands will send out.

The first phase of the fight will see the Lady of the Charred Visage use one hand. She will shoot out purple beams that will focus on you and move with you.

These will sometimes change to rotating purple beams, that you need to move with.

She will also shoot out white balls. For some attacks, these will be in rapid succession and you'll have little chance to avoid them, but you should run to try and get them to disperse.

Other times, these balls will appear slower, and you'll be able to jump through the gaps to attack.

In addition to this, she will shoot out orange balls that you can actually attack to deflect them back to her and do some damage.


The second phase of the fight begins when she reaches half health. She will raise two hands and start to do the same attacks, but combine them. She will also criss-cross the purple laserbeams so you'll need to be swift at either ducking to avoid them, or dashing away from them.

Defeating her will grant you the Look Her In The Eye achievement.

Head to Mountains of the Endless Dusk

Head through the door to the right after this battle and approach the face to be transported to another dream where you'll be given the Holy Wound of Compunction by the Golden Visage.

When you're out of the dream and back in the room, approach the chalice near the statue. Interact with it to feel the Golden Thimble so now you'll have a Golden Thimble Filled with Burning Oil.

Continue to the right to see Deogracias again and return to the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage. Pull the lever to lower the ladder but before you go down, go in the door to the right. Here you can find a Mea Culpa Shrine to increase the strength of Mea Culpa.

Climb down the ladder, then drop down to the bottom of the room. Continue going down, using the ladder to go down further. Then run back through this room, to the left and you'll be back at the room with the Prie Dieu. Go right down to the bottom of this room, then right to take the lift back to Graveyard of the Peaks. Take the other lift down to Albero.

Before you set off for the Mountains of the Endless Dusk, you want to return to Where Olive Trees Wither, so go back through Wasteland of the Buried Churches and up to the start of Where Olive Trees Wither. Because you now have the Golden Thimble Filled with Burning Oil, you want to return this to the tree (Gemino) at the start of the area, where you picked the thimble up. Now make your way back to Albero and to the bottom area that links to the Desecrated Cistern.


Go down until you reach the door that you previously found that takes you to Mountains of the Endless Dusk.

Up Next: Mountains of the Endless Dusk

PreviousGraveyard of the PeaksNextMountains of the Endless Dusk

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Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage - Blasphemous Guide - IGN (1)


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Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage - Blasphemous Guide - IGN (2025)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.